/sticks out her tongue at you
I had a final exam last Saturday that was stressing me out, as well as a final essay that was due today...hence why I've been away...bsing my way through English essays on novels and short stories I didn't even really like that much.
But that's over now!
So needless to say, since I quite raiding...I've been pretty bored. I mean don't get me wrong, I am loving the break from bowing down to the schedule of 24 other people and being where they want me when they want me there...but it's just not the same.
Sometimes I long for the fun ten man days we had before it was decided 25 man would be so much better and make us all that more powerful, etc. etc.
I didn't care about that...I like the bonding and friendships built in the ten mans. Sometimes I still want that. But I don't think I'm quite ready for it yet. Maybe after Cataclysm comes out...
That being said I have been rolling alts like crazy, but nothing is filling that hole...until I happened on this post on wow.com.
So here's where you come in...I need some votes for what path to follow...to make it just like the Choose Your Adventure on wow.com.
I want to be able to join this guild, It Came From The Blog, so that predetermines that I must be a horde toon on the Zangarmarsh server. But what to play?
Come play on Stormscale with me, I rolled a Dwarf Pally and called her Nessa ;)
That's not one of the options! LOL. Come make an alt with me on Zang!
Undead Mage, as voted.
Failing that:
BElf Paladin
Orc Shaman
Undead Warlock
Orc Death Knight
So far it seems undead is winning race for sure. But warlock is kicking booty for class! Oh don't forget, you can actually vote multiple times as well!
Wow. No Trolls. And no Death Knights. Maybe I should vote for Troll DK. :D
Oh lord...I don't know if I could handle another DK...lol...Troll itself sounds find though.
*cough*Trolls suck.*cough*
Sorry, frog in my throat. I guess I cannibalized a hex'ed gnome or something.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I love the new design!
Oh, that wasn't the topic either. I didn't know about being able to vote multiple times so I went back and made a few more additions to the list.
Oh thanks for your comment on the new design! It took me a while to find one I (a) like and (b) kind of fit the "theme". Plus I wanted to make sure I was going to stick with the blog before putting any effort into design...lol.
Wowsers look at those votes now!
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